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Our small step for cleaner air breath

What is MossHub?

Nature based ecotechnology MossHub features cultivated moss tiles, that we grow in greenhouse. Tiles are placed on freestanding or facade-mounted display made out of wooden frame and solar panels waste base to absorb air pollution and convert CO2 into oxygen via photosynthesis

According to United Nations 99% of people breathe air with pollutant levels exceeding those set by WHO guidelines

As urbanisation is growing, so is amount of people, that are exposed to seriously bad air quality


United Nations
Sustainable development goals 2030

MossHub addresses UN SDG 2030, our target is to improve air in the urban environments, that gradually makes life of land better. Air pollutants are significant contributors to climate change and within reduction of pollutants, climate action is being taken. As well MossHub target is to be part of sustainable cities creation

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